2017年6月16日 星期五

《龍櫻》(東大特訓班)插曲----山下智久 《Colorful》中英文歌詞

誰來告訴我 到底應該去哪
Someone please tell me where I can go

誰來告訴我 我能做些什麽
Someone please tell me what I can do

抬頭仰望是雨 回首而顧是牆
When I look up, there’s rain; when I turn back, there’s a wall

Even just the scenery around me, appears sentimental

黎明前 獨自一人 漫無目的的走着也沒有找到
Before daylight I walked by myself without a purpose

多少次尋找答案 卻還是愈想愈不明白
I tried several times to search for an answer, but had become more confused

借着眼前的光線 一步一步的試着走吧
Making use of the light in front of me, step by step I tried to walk on

Tried to look up at the moon

越過那片黑暗 尋找 就是無限的藍天
Surpassing that darkness, and search for the edgeless blue sky

無論繼續尋找多久 卻依然找不到答案
No matter how long I search for, I still couldn’t find the answer

借着眼前的光線 按照自己心裡的感覺前進吧
Making use of the light in front of me, head toward with this heart

The night will light up

面對看不見的東西 得到希望和勇氣
I will face the things I can’t see, to gain hopes and courage

在通往明天的路上 試着一步一步的邁出去
On a journey that will continue to tomorrow, I tried to walk on step by step 

Like praying for the future

As I tried to look up at the moon

To a colorful world

